The dust is starting to settle...

Our biggest project so far has been the kitchen cabinets and thanks to some help from Chad's parents, Meghan's mom, and Andy and Chelsea Eckley - we're nearly done!

Here's what we started with...

The cabinets were a funky color and looked like they'd had a couple coats of "barf" colored stain to quote Chad. 

We decided we better do something about that before we moved in, especially so we could get the sanding - and dust - out of the way.

We knew it would be a lot of work, but I'm still surprised at how much time we've put into it.  Thankfully it's been worth it, and things are coming along very nicely.

It all started with a lot of stripping - of varnish and stain, that is.  Even Chad's parents and my mom all got in on some of the stripping action. 

Then came the sanding, and what a lot of sanding there was!  I even manned an orbital sander and did some of the cabinet doors. 

We sanded for a full weekend! 

Once the dust was settled, we were able to remove the plastic barrier walls between the kitchen and the rest of the house - and vacuum all the dust particles from every nook and cranny in our kitchen!

We've since moved on to staining and varnishing - which is a much quicker process.  Here's a sneak peek of the cabinets so far.

We have one coat of varnish on them so far and we still need to stain the doors and drawers, then put on the new hardware that Chad found for us online (thanks to Amazon!). 

It should be all finished in another week or so - and it's going to look AWESOME!

More pictures of the kitchen to come soon!

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We've been so busy, we forgot to blog!

We started out small for our first weekend of home-ownership.  Chad installed our new garage door opener - which is loaded with features.  I never knew a person could love a garage door opener, now I do.

Chad hard at work

While Chad was busy with that project (for about 10 hours) Kevin, Jolene, Shauna and I cleaned up the yard...

Shauna and me pulling out dead plants
Some of the plants in the front yard appeared to have been doubling as kitty litter boxes.  So not cute.  Good thing I bought my first pair of gardening gloves!

Kevin giving our tree a "bonsai" look
And all of our trees needed work.  We trimmed the big Japanese Maple in the front yard (mostly to get a large branch off of our roof) and Kevin gave the small tree a haircut.

I didn't get pictures of the backyard, but we also cut out a ton of dead branches and big weeds back there.

Since then, we've been focusing our attention on the kitchen.  Which is, after all, a project we need to get done BEFORE we can move in!

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